• $3,000


  • $2,770


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Recent Transactions

  • David Stafford

    $820.00 / 80 days ago

  • Reva Winston

    $180.00 / 87 days ago

    Congratulations on this wonderful event!!!

  • Ellen Tager

    $2,000.00 / 105 days ago

    Wishing Caryn and David Stafford and all the other members of Westchester NY Team an easy ride and meaningful experience in Krakow--what a worthy cause! All the best, Ellen Tager


“Ride For The Living" is a comprehensive fitness experience commemorating the Holocaust and honoring the rebirth of the Jewish community in Krakow, Poland. Ride For The Living combines Holocaust education with a meaningful 60-mile bike ride from the gates of Auschwitz-Birkenau to JCC Krakow, giving participants the opportunity to immerse themselves in Krakow’s Jewish past, present, and future, either in-person during the 4-dayevent or by participating remotely from home in the new Ride For The Living Global Challenge. The RFTL Global Challenge is a free alternative to the in-person RFTL where participants can remotely cycle, run, or walk 60 miles in their own communities alongside 3,000+international participants over the course of a month, week, or day and keep in touch with teammates and friends to share stories and progress. Ride For The Living was originally inspired by Robert Desmond, who rode his bicycle 1,350miles (2,180 km) from London to Auschwitz, visiting Holocaust and WWII sites along his journey. Following his ride, Robert came to Krakow and visited the JCC, where he learned about the reawakened and growing Jewish community in the city. It was clear that his ride should not have ended at Auschwitz, a place of sorrow and loss, but at JCC Krakow, surrounded by the local community and friends from around the world.